London Skolars Squad Receive State Of Mind Presentation

20th June 2012

London Skolars Rugby League last week hosted the award winning STATE OF MIND player presentation, where former player Jimmy Gittins (pictured above with Skolars Head Coach Joe Mbu) joined the team to talk about his injuries and the effects on his life

State of Mind are passionate about rugby league and the rugby league community. They want players to be happy and enjoy their lives, so they’ve developed 10 practical ways for players to look after their mental health from day to day.

These ideas are simple, easy changes that improve a person’s STATE OF MIND, the way they think and subsequently their overall health. They are not costly, just little changes in everyday routines to make you healthier and happier!

Talking about how you feel, eating well, doing things that you are good at and keeping in touch with friends are all examples of the things you can do.

The STATE OF MIND programme was established in 2011 with the aim of improving the mental health, wellbeing and working life of rugby league players and communities. The website is aimed at providing support and suggestions to help  keep players mentally fit. It also supplies information on services in your local area.

Why not follow STATE OF MIND on Twitter or visit their website.

Whichever way you can, support STATE OF MIND as they get people talking about their mental health and wellbeing!

Twitter @StateofMInd2011

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