London RL Young Peoples Advisory Panel Survey Announced

15th July 2011

Aged between 16 and 25 and involved in Rugby League? Then take our survey and win a signed Skolars or Harlequins Jersey!

The RFL Young Peoples Advisory Panel wants to learn about your experiences in Rugby League. The aim is to improve the RFL’s strategy towards young people aged 16-25, to ensure that you are involved, informed and motivated.

A short survey has been created to get your feedback in relation to key areas of the sport. The link to the survey can be found on the London RL Youth Forum Facebook group.

As a thank-you for completing this survey, you will be entered into a draw for a chance to win these fantastic prizes: a Harlequins RL Shirt of your choice, a signed London Skolars shirt, and finally, a signed London Skolars Ball all provided by London RL and London Skolars.

As part of the survey, you will be asked to provide your mobile number so we can contact about the prizes and inform you how the draw will take place. This will be kept confidential. You will only be contacted by the RFL Youth Panel members leading on this project, Nimai Parmar and Anthony Creasey.

The closing date to complete the survey is Thursday 28th July at approximately 12pm.

For more information on these surveys or if you have any questions, then please email Nimai Parmar on

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