Capital Challenge Insight: PCUBED Schools Challenge

15th January 2018


As the club goes into their final preparations for next week’s much anticipated Capital Challenge, the Community Department are also putting the finishing touches to the ‘PCUBED Schools Challenge’ which takes place prior to the main the event.

This years the event looks stronger than ever before, with several teams all in the hunt to win the coveted title.

For 2018, schools have been selected from across North London, with representatives from Haringey, Enfield and Islington. With Rugby League now being the chosen sport of the London Youth Games, there has been a huge increase with the amount of schools looking to ‘try out’ Rugby League in the capital; nearly every Borough across London now runs a qualifying tournament using Rugby League rules. This, coupled with vital Sky Try funding from the London Foundation and RFL has enabled London Skolars to provide extensive delivery programmes across a much greater number of borough’s and increase the club’s engagement across North London.

Each day this week we will preview one of the contenders for the Tournament, providing a bit of background on the school, their sporting prowess and their experiences of the PCUBED Schools Challenge.

FEATURED SCHOOL: Monday 15th January 2018.

St Michaels – London N6 (Highgate).

PCubed St Michaels

St. Michael’s Primary School in Highgate has established itself as a highly successful school for P.E and Sport. It has achieved significant success in recent years, especially in competitive swimming, cricket, and tag rugby.

The school runs weekly tag rugby clubs for ages 7-11, led by their P.E leader, Michael Whiting, and London Skolars. A relative veteran of the HAC PCUBED Schools Challenge, St. Michael’s has a reputation for being well organised and skillful with both boys and girls achieving much success in Haringey annual events.

St Michaels PE Leader, Michael Whiting, said:

“This year’s team is captained by Jonny Worth who has led by example in attitude and sportsmanship, something St. Michael’s promotes hugely within its sporting culture. Watch out for Jonny’s dynamic attacking play which always catches the eye.

St. Michael’s is once again thoroughly looking forward to the PCUBED Schools Challenge and indeed the whole experience of mixing with the greats of the game. It continues to be the highlight of our sporting calendar.”

Look out for our next preview tomorrow where we speak to tournament new-comers “Joan of Arc School” in Islington.

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